Shot : Ahhhh I've been watching too much Hitobashira Alice ;A;orz here's KAITO when he's being shot by a madman [or something among those lines]OTL sorry for the laziness 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

ShotShot : Ahhhh I've been watching too much Hitobashira Alice ;A;orz here's KAITO when he's being shot by a madman [or something among those lines]OTL sorry for the laziness 스케치판 ,sketchpan

ShotShot : Ahhhh I've been watching too much Hitobashira Alice ;A;orz here's KAITO when he's being shot by a madman [or something among those lines]OTL sorry for the laziness 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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 Shot [subject] drawingday09
2009.12.20 11:40  
Ahhhh I've been watching too much Hitobashira Alice ;A;orz here's KAITO when he's being shot by a madman [or something among those lines]OTL sorry for the laziness
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