Scrap OC : Rushed at the end.... Scrapped... My nameless OC. Want to give him a name? Hope you like it! :D I worked really hard on the first half.. Then it got late and I rushed the rest.... You can tell.... 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Scrap OCScrap OC : Rushed at the end.... Scrapped... My nameless OC. Want to give him a name? Hope you like it! :D I worked really hard on the first half.. Then it got late and I rushed the rest.... You can tell.... 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Scrap OCScrap OC : Rushed at the end.... Scrapped... My nameless OC. Want to give him a name? Hope you like it! :D I worked really hard on the first half.. Then it got late and I rushed the rest.... You can tell.... 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From AzreWolf'PAN
2009.08.22 20:44  
Rushed at the end.... Scrapped... My nameless OC. Want to give him a name? Hope you like it! :D I worked really hard on the first half.. Then it got late and I rushed the rest.... You can tell....
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