To Do List : I finally finished all of my testswork this week, so this \'To Do\' list is kinda how my schedule was at the begining of this week [except I made up certain choresdeadlines lmao] 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

To Do ListTo Do List : I finally finished all of my testswork this week, so this \'To Do\' list is kinda how my schedule was at the begining of this week [except I made up certain choresdeadlines lmao] 스케치판 ,sketchpan

To Do ListTo Do List : I finally finished all of my testswork this week, so this \'To Do\' list is kinda how my schedule was at the begining of this week [except I made up certain choresdeadlines lmao] 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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2009.12.19 11:46  
I finally finished all of my testswork this week, so this \'To Do\' list is kinda how my schedule was at the begining of this week [except I made up certain choresdeadlines lmao]
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