Shikamaru Chibi on Cloud : Shikamaru is always saying how he wishes he could turn into a cloud and float away... Well this is close enough... :) Now he has to figure out how to get down... How troublesome. 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Shikamaru Chibi on CloudShikamaru Chibi on Cloud : Shikamaru is always saying how he wishes he could turn into a cloud and float away... Well this is close enough... :) Now he has to figure out how to get down... How troublesome. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Shikamaru Chibi on CloudShikamaru Chibi on Cloud : Shikamaru is always saying how he wishes he could turn into a cloud and float away... Well this is close enough... :) Now he has to figure out how to get down... How troublesome. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From honeyx1'PAN
2010.06.30 16:04  
Shikamaru is always saying how he wishes he could turn into a cloud and float away... Well this is close enough... :) Now he has to figure out how to get down... How troublesome.
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