OC-Musico : Yeah. Done at school blah blah... I know I failed already xDIt looks like a girl but actually its a boy. The blue thing in his hair is a highlight. You know.. Randomness while creating characters. 8DAlso I kinda failed on the shadings. Just gave up. 8( 스케치판 ,sketchpan,sketchpan.com

OC-MusicoOC-Musico : Yeah. Done at school blah blah... I know I failed already xDIt looks like a girl but actually its a boy. The blue thing in his hair is a highlight. You know.. Randomness while creating characters. 8DAlso I kinda failed on the shadings. Just gave up. 8( 스케치판 ,sketchpan

OC-MusicoOC-Musico : Yeah. Done at school blah blah... I know I failed already xDIt looks like a girl but actually its a boy. The blue thing in his hair is a highlight. You know.. Randomness while creating characters. 8DAlso I kinda failed on the shadings. Just gave up. 8( 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From Nyuu666'PAN
2011.09.29 00:54  
Yeah. Done at school blah blah... I know I failed already xDIt looks like a girl but actually its a boy. The blue thing in his hair is a highlight. You know.. Randomness while creating characters. 8DAlso I kinda failed on the shadings. Just gave up. 8(
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