Yuki-kun : It's just Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight, and I really wanted to draw her with Kiryu-donna, but i didn't have enough space... Anyway, It took me a long time cuz i was trying to make her outline really presice and I don't do that. Ever. 스케치판 ,sketchpan,sketchpan.com

Yuki-kunYuki-kun : It's just Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight, and I really wanted to draw her with Kiryu-donna, but i didn't have enough space... Anyway, It took me a long time cuz i was trying to make her outline really presice and I don't do that. Ever. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Yuki-kunYuki-kun : It's just Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight, and I really wanted to draw her with Kiryu-donna, but i didn't have enough space... Anyway, It took me a long time cuz i was trying to make her outline really presice and I don't do that. Ever. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From ZeroYuki'PAN
2008.11.19 12:35  
It's just Yuki Cross from Vampire Knight, and I really wanted to draw her with Kiryu-donna, but i didn't have enough space... Anyway, It took me a long time cuz i was trying to make her outline really presice and I don't do that. Ever.
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