Those Eyes... : I wanted to do some black and white, but it turned out to be gray and white. I just read some manga chapters of vampire knight, and my hope of Zero telling Yuki that he loved her was becoming VERY VERY unlikely, and I got EXTREMELY sad... 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Those Eyes...Those Eyes... : I wanted to do some black and white, but it turned out to be gray and white. I just read some manga chapters of vampire knight, and my hope of Zero telling Yuki that he loved her was becoming VERY VERY unlikely, and I got EXTREMELY sad... 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Those Eyes...Those Eyes... : I wanted to do some black and white, but it turned out to be gray and white. I just read some manga chapters of vampire knight, and my hope of Zero telling Yuki that he loved her was becoming VERY VERY unlikely, and I got EXTREMELY sad... 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From ZeroYuki'PAN
2008.11.22 11:47  
I wanted to do some black and white, but it turned out to be gray and white. I just read some manga chapters of vampire knight, and my hope of Zero telling Yuki that he loved her was becoming VERY VERY unlikely, and I got EXTREMELY sad...
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