Self Portrait : Although I can't really say its a self portrait cuz i'm not nearly that cute, it still resembles me. I have a jacket exactly like that, those are my glasses, my unruley, blond hair, and my brown-green eyes. 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Self PortraitSelf Portrait : Although I can't really say its a self portrait cuz i'm not nearly that cute, it still resembles me. I have a jacket exactly like that, those are my glasses, my unruley, blond hair, and my brown-green eyes. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Self PortraitSelf Portrait : Although I can't really say its a self portrait cuz i'm not nearly that cute, it still resembles me. I have a jacket exactly like that, those are my glasses, my unruley, blond hair, and my brown-green eyes. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From ZeroYuki'PAN
2008.12.03 12:22  
Although I can't really say its a self portrait cuz i'm not nearly that cute, it still resembles me. I have a jacket exactly like that, those are my glasses, my unruley, blond hair, and my brown-green eyes.
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