Could You Fix It? : I was thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend, but since it's almost Christmas, I'm going to make it a painless as possible, and wait till next year, when we come back to school. 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Could You Fix It?Could You Fix It? : I was thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend, but since it's almost Christmas, I'm going to make it a painless as possible, and wait till next year, when we come back to school. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Could You Fix It?Could You Fix It? : I was thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend, but since it's almost Christmas, I'm going to make it a painless as possible, and wait till next year, when we come back to school. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From ZeroYuki'PAN
2008.12.18 11:59  
I was thinking about breaking up with my boyfriend, but since it's almost Christmas, I'm going to make it a painless as possible, and wait till next year, when we come back to school.
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