Anbu Black Ops : This is my character from Naruto, Mikori Ayamichi. She contains a demon, the White Fire Wolf, giving her the ability to control white fire. She's originally from the Moon village and has a sad past. She becomes part of the Akatsuki in shippuden. Commen 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Anbu Black OpsAnbu Black Ops : This is my character from Naruto, Mikori Ayamichi. She contains a demon, the White Fire Wolf, giving her the ability to control white fire. She's originally from the Moon village and has a sad past. She becomes part of the Akatsuki in shippuden. Commen 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Anbu Black OpsAnbu Black Ops : This is my character from Naruto, Mikori Ayamichi. She contains a demon, the White Fire Wolf, giving her the ability to control white fire. She's originally from the Moon village and has a sad past. She becomes part of the Akatsuki in shippuden. Commen 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From ZeroYuki'PAN
2008.12.20 11:45  
This is my character from Naruto, Mikori Ayamichi. She contains a demon, the White Fire Wolf, giving her the ability to control white fire. She's originally from the Moon village and has a sad past. She becomes part of the Akatsuki in shippuden. Commen
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