"Don\'t leave" : I'm so gay. I quote my drawings. XD Uhh... my whole thing when I was drawing was in Korean. This was a relay. I'm not taking credit for the line art. I just coloured. :D 스케치판 ,sketchpan,sketchpan.com

"Don\'t leave""Don\'t leave" : I'm so gay. I quote my drawings. XD Uhh... my whole thing when I was drawing was in Korean. This was a relay. I'm not taking credit for the line art. I just coloured. :D 스케치판 ,sketchpan

"Don\'t leave""Don\'t leave" : I'm so gay. I quote my drawings. XD Uhh... my whole thing when I was drawing was in Korean. This was a relay. I'm not taking credit for the line art. I just coloured. :D 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From anime554'PAN
2009.09.27 09:42  
I'm so gay. I quote my drawings. XD Uhh... my whole thing when I was drawing was in Korean. This was a relay. I'm not taking credit for the line art. I just coloured. :D
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