Lawl : I'm Hot 'cuz I'm Fky, You ain't 'cuz you not. This is why, this is why I'm hot. I had that stuck in my head. DX 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

LawlLawl : I'm Hot 'cuz I'm Fky, You ain't 'cuz you not. This is why, this is why I'm hot. I had that stuck in my head. DX 스케치판 ,sketchpan

LawlLawl : I'm Hot 'cuz I'm Fky, You ain't 'cuz you not. This is why, this is why I'm hot. I had that stuck in my head. DX 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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 Lawl [under] 우와
  From anime554'PAN
2009.09.27 10:24  
I'm Hot 'cuz I'm Fky, You ain't 'cuz you not. This is why, this is why I'm hot. I had that stuck in my head. DX
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