Iris In June : Iris in my backyard...not too good at shading, haha :) I just added the butterfly ...I know it isn't the best but I thought it needed something extra. Pls comment and vote - thanks! :D 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Iris In JuneIris In June : Iris in my backyard...not too good at shading, haha :) I just added the butterfly ...I know it isn't the best but I thought it needed something extra. Pls comment and vote - thanks! :D 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Iris In JuneIris In June : Iris in my backyard...not too good at shading, haha :) I just added the butterfly ...I know it isn't the best but I thought it needed something extra. Pls comment and vote - thanks! :D 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From bluesunr'PAN
2011.06.03 02:41  
Iris in my backyard...not too good at shading, haha :) I just added the butterfly ...I know it isn't the best but I thought it needed something extra. Pls comment and vote - thanks! :D
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