Tablet testing Akihiko : i got my new tablet thing today and was taking it for a test drive. XD this actually took me like 3 hours XDThis one is modified cuz i realized that the last one was a bit too dark skin. 스케치판 ,sketchpan,

Tablet testing AkihikoTablet testing Akihiko : i got my new tablet thing today and was taking it for a test drive. XD this actually took me like 3 hours XDThis one is modified cuz i realized that the last one was a bit too dark skin. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

Tablet testing AkihikoTablet testing Akihiko : i got my new tablet thing today and was taking it for a test drive. XD this actually took me like 3 hours XDThis one is modified cuz i realized that the last one was a bit too dark skin. 스케치판 ,sketchpan

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  From meowser'PAN
2010.03.16 11:38  
i got my new tablet thing today and was taking it for a test drive. XD this actually took me like 3 hours XDThis one is modified cuz i realized that the last one was a bit too dark skin.
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